Thursday 4 August 2016

Basic HTML Concept and Table Tag Concept

HTML is a short form of HyperText Markup Language.
This is a most popular programming language for a creating a web pages.

HTML provide a tools to create structured documents by denoting structural formats for text, paragraph, heading, list, etc.
HTML is also used for other web pages or such as picture or video.

It allows  images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms.

It is written in the form of HTML elements consistings of "tags" surrounded by angle brackets "< >" within the web pages content.

It can include or can load scripts in languages such as Javascript, which affect the behavior of HTML processors like Web Browsers, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to define the appearance and layout of a text and other material.

In the HTML each and every tag was close do not compulsory,

Common HTML Tag:-

- For bold a text "" tag is used.
- For underline in the text"" tag is used.
- For italic text "" tag is used.
- For center a text in the page "" tag is used.
- For start a new line "" tag is used.
- For draw a horizontal line "" tag is used.

For example,


=> Table tag used in HTML when you need to display tabular data.
- They are block level element, and should not be put inside paragraphs.

- They can put directly inside the BODY, DIV, LI OR DD tag or elements.
- They can also put inside another table tag or elements.
- Table are often abused in web pages to define the structure.

- Tables are defined a row at a time, using the TR Tag or elements.
- Each of these can contain any number of TH(Heading) and TD(Data)cells.

- Here, in the Table tag TR represent row and TH & TD represent a Column.

- In the table tag you can set the height, width, border of the table, you can also set the font color, etc attributes.

- For Example,


- Output:-

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