Wednesday 11 May 2016

PHP Introduction, Variable declaration and Variable Function of PHP

What is a PHP?

  • PHP means Personal Home Page.
  • Then after it is known as a ”Hypertext PreProcessor”.
  • It is developed by “Rasmas Lerdorf in 1994”.
  • It is server side scripting language which is used to create dynamic website.
  • PHP script also executed on this server.
  • It support many database like mysql, oracle, odbc, etc.
  • It is open source software.
  • It support multiple plateform.
  • PHP syntax is easy to understand.


Variable Declaration in PHP

  • In the PHP variable declaration is easy.
  • PHP is a loosely type language. 
  • In PHP for declare a Variable  ($) Dollar Sign is compulsory. 
  • In the PHP for declare a variable datatype declare not be compulsory. 
  • You can place a variable any where in the script using ($) Dollar Sign.


=> Variable Function fo PHP

We can use a Varible function for perform operation on Variable.

  • Gettype:- Use to get the datatype of Variable.

  • Settype:- Use to set the datatype of variable.

  • Isset:- Used to check the variable is set or not.
  1. It return true or false.
  2. If variable is set then return true otherwise false.

               isset(variable1, variable2,…….);
  • Unset:- Used to destroy given Varible.
               unset(Variable1, Variable2,…………);
  •  Strval:- Convert a value of variable into a String.
  •  Floatval:- Convert a value of variable into a Float.
  • Intval:- Used to get the value of a variable.

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